Frequently Asked Questions

  • Mr Doctor is a company that conducts market research on healthcare topics. We work with healthcare professionals, patients, and other stakeholders to gather insights that can help improve the healthcare system.

    In case you wondered - Mr in Mr Doctor stands for Market research.

  • The Mr Doctor network is open to all healthcare professionals, including physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, registered nurses, medical students, pharmacists, and healthcare executives.

    Consumers and patients who are interested in giving their opinions about goods, services, medications, etc. in the healthcare industry are also welcome to join.

    Membership is free for all members.

  • You can join the Mr Doctor network by completing our registration form.

    You will need to provide your name, email address, and other contact information.

    You will also be asked to answer some questions about your healthcare background and interests.

  • Mr Doctor conducts a variety of market research studies, including online surveys, focus groups (in person or online), and interviews.

    We also conduct online research and social media monitoring.

  • There are many benefits to participating in Mr Doctor research. You will have the opportunity to share your thoughts and experiences on important healthcare topics. You will also be able to earn money for your participation.

  • The amount of money you can earn for participating in Mr Doctor research varies depending on the type of study and the amount of time it takes to complete. For example a 15-minute survey will not be compensated the same as a 60-minute online interview.

  • At Mr Doctor, we appreciate your time and want to ensure you can enjoy your reward as soon as possible. That's why we aim to pay your incentive as soon as we possible can, hopefully on the same day or a few days later if we don’t have your preferred payment method on record just yet.

    We offer three payment options: direct bank transfer, electronic gift card or PayPal. If you choose direct bank transfer, we will send the money to the bank details you provide. If you prefer an electronic gift card, we will send you a code that you can redeem online.

    Amazon e-cards are our most popular gift card option, but we can also accommodate other requests. Just let us know what you're interested in, and we'll do our best to make it happen.

  • No, we strive to maintain a balanced approach in sending survey invitations to our community members. We value your time and ensure that you receive survey invitations relevant to your background and interests.

  • No, you do not have to participate in all of the research studies that you are invited to. You can choose which studies you want to participate in based on your interests and availability.

  • The eligibility requirements for participating in Mr Doctor research vary depending on the specific study. However, some general eligibility requirements include:

    • Being at least 18 years old

    • Having a valid email address

    • Being willing to provide your consent to participate in the study

  • The length of Mr Doctor research studies varies depending on the specific study.

    As a guide - online surveys can take anything from 5 to 30 minutes while interviews typically last 30 - 60 minutes.

  • There are a few different ways that you can participate in Mr Doctor research:

    • Surveys: You can participate in surveys by answering a series of questions about your healthcare experiences and preferences.

    • Focus groups: You can participate in focus groups by discussing your healthcare experiences with a group of other people.

    • Interviews: You can participate in interviews by talking to a researcher about your healthcare experiences.

  • Screeners are a series of questions that are used to qualify or disqualify participants from a research study. They are designed to ensure that the participants are the right fit for the study and that their responses will be relevant.

  • Screener questions are important because they help to ensure that the participants in a research study are the right fit for the study. If you do not answer the screener questions, you may not be able to participate in the study.

  • When you do not qualify for a survey based on the screening questions, your data remains secure and confidential. It is not used or shared for any purposes beyond the screening process. We keep a record of your participation, but only to ensure that we avoid sending you further emails about the same project.

  • The screening questions usually pertain to your professional background, medical expertise, and specific demographics. The length of the screening process varies depending on the survey, but it typically takes only a few minutes to complete.

  • At Mr Doctor, we strive for a balanced approach to survey invitations. Our goal is to offer you opportunities for various studies while minimizing any frustration from disqualification. We carefully select surveys we believe you may qualify for and those we are confident you meet the criteria for. In every invitation, we provide as much relevant information as possible to help you make an informed decision about participation. However, due to legal restrictions, we can only provide essential details necessary for your decision-making process.

  • Yes, we take data privacy seriously. Survey responses are anonymized and reported in aggregate to protect the confidentiality of all participants. If a client is interested in some of your answers and is interested in talking to you about them, we will first ask for your permission and willingness to talk to a client. At no stage are any personal information handed over to our clients.

  • We completely understand that your patients' well-being is your top priority. If you encounter a medical emergency that prevents you from attending the interview, please notify us as soon as possible. We will be accommodating and try to reschedule the interview at a time that is more convenient for you, as long as it aligns with the project deadline.

  • Life can be unpredictable, and we understand that emergencies can arise, whether they are family-related or work-related. If you find yourself in such a situation and cannot make it to the scheduled interview, please inform us as soon as possible. Your well-being is essential, and we will do our best to accommodate the situation by rescheduling the interview to a more suitable time, provided it aligns with the project deadline.